About Us
The Wallflower Gallery is a multi-media arts and community facility that features a diverse selection of creative formats. As part of The Local Art Experience, The Wallflower Gallery highlights various presentations that showcase emerging and established talents - with most of the artists being from South Florida.
Within The Wallflower Gallery, there is an assortment of visual arts including paintings, photography, digital images and sculptures. In addition, there is a selection of interactive showcases that feature spoken word, dance, theatre, comedy and most diverse arrangement of musical styles in South Florida. The Wallflower Gallery also presents an independent film series that includes shorts, features & documentaries.
We are the people who keep this place running. It is through our efforts that The Wallflower Gallery exists. Feel free to contact anyone of us to let us know how we are doing.
C.D. Flash
President of The Wallflower Gallery, Inc.
Events Coordinator
Curator of Art
Director of Sound Recording and Production
The Funk Finder
Beth Schwartz
Coordinator of The Wallflower Bizarre
Interior Decorating Consultant
The Mother Hen
Christine Alexander
Independent Promoter of the Arts
Networking Agent
The Sweetest One
Alonso Menendez
Graphic Designer/Promotions/Productions Specialist/Poet at large
The Verbal Messenger
Tom Fleming (One Love Miami)
WG Web Design, Photographer &
... just a hunk, a hunk of burning love
Wallflower Web Support
Barbara Lang
Office Manager
Director Of The Flow
Alonso, Karen, Anne, Tia, Julie, Chrissie,
Heideloh, Mercedes & Tom.
The Bar Buddies
Alonso, Mark & Tom
The Door Dragons
Tom, Alonso & Dennis
Tech Support |
From 95 take Exit 2A to the Biscayne Blvd. off ramp
*NOTE: Exit 2A is a left hand side exit when going South on95*
Once on the ground level from the Biscayne Blvd. off ramp,
turn right, then left at US 1 N sign
(this is Biscayne Blvd - also US 1).
Continue going North on Biscayne Blvd.,
look for N.E. 3rd Street on the left hand side
Go Left (West) on N.E. 3rd Street for 3 blocks,
until North Miami Aveune.
We are across from the Federal Courthouse on N.E. 3rd Street, which is surrounded by concrete barracades.

The Wallflower Gallery is on the second floor.
We are in a greenish-yellowish building with a big mural painted on the side facing the Federal Courthouse.
The Wallflower Gallery's door has a big purple flower painted on it.
Look under the blue awning.
The Wallflower Gallery
10 N.E. 3rd Street
Downtown Miami 33132
Get directions to theGallery.